August 30, 2021

Worst Food for Your Teeth: Know What to Avoid

No matter how we age, food is something that we would not be able to let go of. The more food we eat, the more causes of tooth decay we bring into our teeth. We often don’t notice it in an instant, but everything we intake affects our teeth. Therefore, it’s incredibly important to never slack on your daily routine. You may find yourself going to a cosmetic dentist in Escondido and have everything fixed.

Woman eating an ice pop who needs to see a Cosmetic Dentist in Escondido

Why Is It Necessary to Be Careful of What We Eat? 

Apart from the fact that the food we eat is where we get nutrients for our body, being diligent with what we eat also plays a great role in taking care of our teeth. Our teeth also need these nutrients to stay strong and healthy.  

For you to fully grasp the idea of why you should take care of your teeth, here are some benefits of having healthy ones: 

Fresh Breath 

Having a bad breath can undeniably affect one’s effort in forming a relationship in social settings or at work. You would never want to see people you are talking to “run for a breath of fresh air” as soon as you start your talk. Taking of your teeth gets rid of plaque that carries bacteria, causing your bad breath. It is never possible for a person who still has a piece of last night’s steak stuck in between teeth. 

Saves Money 

When you properly take care of your teeth, you will not have to spend more on your dentist visits. Apart from your regular sessions with your dentist, having well taken care of teeth saves you from more extensive dentist emergencies. It is undeniable much cheaper to brush your teeth regularly than getting complex teeth solutions when the time comes. 


What Food to Avoid to Keep a Healthy Set of Teeth? 


The next time you pass by the bread aisle in the supermarket, think twice before you grab one. As you chew on bread, your saliva works on breaking down the starches into sugar. As these transforms into a paste-like substance, the bread then gets stuck in the crevices of your teeth. If you really crave some carbs, go for those that have less sugar, like whole wheat to avoid cavities. 


Ice is for chilling, and definitely not for chewing. Ice is made of water after all and contains no sugar and other additives. However, chewing on ice can lead you to dental emergencies for it weakens the enamel in your teeth. If you want to avoid such, refrain from chewing your ice and take it instead in water form.  


Cold soda could complete a perfect meal, especially during warm weather. However, you might want to swap it with water if you want to stay away from plaque and bacteria. Most carbonated drinks, like soda, are acidic and therefore bad for your teeth’s health. The sugar from your soda produces acid that attacks your teeth’s enamel. 

Soda will cause you to need a Cosmetic Dentist in Escondido

Do You Want to Save Yourself from Emergency Visits to a Cosmetic Dentist in Escondido? 

Taking care of your teeth should be an investment you should give importance to. It’s not every day that you get to go to the nearest dentist to perform teeth care. You can start your healthy teeth journey by knowing what not and what to eat. Should you need professional help with your teeth, setting an appointment with Dr. Mark Galli will definitely be a great decision!